Before qualifying as a Nutritional Therapist , I enjoyed a 15-year sports marketing and events career.  However, the high-stress, sleep deprivation, excess caffeine, and snacking took their toll. This, combined with becoming a mother, led to me experiencing my own health struggles.

Having visited several specialists with no success at finding answers to my health issues, I embarked on a 3-year nutritional therapy course. Since then, I have empowered individuals to take back control of their health and well-being just as I have managed to do.  

I believe in empowering clients with the correct tools and techniques to transform physical, mental and emotional health. 

I am registered with the British Association of Nutritional Therapists (BANT), the Association of Naturopathic Practitioners (ANP) and the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC). I carry full indemnity insurance to practise. 


Amy, 41, Kent, Insomnia

Jo has been empathetic as well as thoughtful to build a plan that suits me specifically. I work later into the evenings and had got into bad habits which we addressed one at a time so I never found anything too overwhelming. By eating 3 balanced meals a day and making simple lifestyle switches I have improved my sleep dramatically and along with it my mood has improved and I have lost a few kilos which had started to creep on. 

Katie, 43, London, Nausea and Migraines

I have been trying various diets and supplements to try and help my migraines and Jo listened thoroughly to all avenues I have looked at. She provided a plan that was achievable for me day to day and incorparated recipes which I found satisfying and easy to cook. My symptoms have dramatically reduced since altering my diet and I am not relying on medications nearly as much. 

James, 38, London, Reflux and Bloating

Since incorporating dietary changes suggested by Jo I have been able to go out to restaurants again and enjoy food without worrying about the side effects which I would usually suffer from. My reflux has reduced along with bloating and digestive issues and I have had more energy as a result. 


Corporate Wellness

My wellness programmes include stress management, sleep hygiene and gut health.

Providing employees with actionable steps across nutrition and lifestyle to optimise their everyday health and well-being.

meal prep

One-to-one consultations

Discussing personal dietary habits and lifestyle can be challenging.

I offer a safe space to talk and provide a personalised nutrition plan based on your journey and needs to encourage a kinder approach to your health.

Strawberry Salad

Group Sessions

I provide evidence-based interactive talks to small groups.
These sessions are an opportunity to ask questions and workshop key topics such as mental health, blood sugar balance and immune support.


Book a free discovery call below to discuss your health concerns or to discover if Nutritional Therapy is right for you.